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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sang Saka Malaya..?

Hi all..

im sure that uolls know about the sang saka malaya flag issue that been publicize in most of the mainstream media few days a week,,this entry is consider slow..but i dont care..i still wanna share my thought about

actually in my opinion,,this issue is not an issue at all..its just a few bunch of faggot that dont have anything to do tried to gain publicity in the country..but,,the best part is,,some party is taking advantage with this issue when it 1st come out..can figure who?

Saturday 1 September 2012

Experience..something that u cant buy..

im sure that most people will agree about experience is something that we cant order to have it,,we have to go,,see or feel it with ourselves to gain the do i..usually,,im a so call a nerd its something that i dont like,,but sometimes i have to admit it..a bit only OK..huhu..

back to the topic,,i once had gain experience with all the bikers or motorcyclist from modenas team..most people usually had set in their mind that most of the motorcyclist as a 'mat rempit' do i..

so,,i try to join them to know what actually in their mind and how is the way they first,,after i bought my first bike,,i got a chance to join modenas team for a session with an italian,,i grab the chance to join and experience was a good day a treat from a modenas marketing manager (naza's right now),,and share our thoughts about anything from a bike to current issue..

an update.. snippets..

hi all..

wow..its been a long time though..didnt realised that i didnt post an update since june! actually,,quite busy with ramadhan and eid mubarak month till i feel lazy to post an update..

anyway,,after view back all the old post that i had posted,,notice that lots of the post are more to personal. at first,,in the beginning of the blog,,i thought that i want to share more on political views in should be place where i can rant on politics because i think facebook is not a proper place to rant on politics..some of my friend is open minded person,,but somes are not..actually,,all my political comment in the facebook are mostly a questioning comment where im urge people to think with their own mind..i didnt force people to accept what im thinking of as different people have their own do i..i have my own opinion and i didnt ask people to accept it..

however,,it is not easy as it thinks..people always misinterpreted some of the comments and feel uneasy with,,blogging could be one of the way to share thoughts without include all the people surround u..

but now,,,my blog already diverted from political thought to personal blog..oh man! dont know why it turns upside down..but maybe,,after this i will share both personal and political view in this blog though...even though no one is reading this! :P i dont mind actually..

besides,,maybe i will change to bahasa malaysia toocoz my engrish is sooo practice in this blog i think..let see how it goes..till then..bye~

Monday 18 June 2012

Government Services..

Hey guys..

yesterday i went to putrajaya coz got something to do be exact,,its JPN..guess what surprise me?its sunday and JPN is operating on sunday! it really a good move to open the office on sunday as most of the worker dont need to take leave when they have some matter they need to discuss with 1st,,i thought all government agencies already started with to be open on weekend..but after i went to ministry of higher education department office,,i dissapointed as it actually close..

however,,i hope that all the government agencies can follow the move made by JPN to operate on weekend so that most of the non government such as banks will follow their step in the future..

KL..a memorable place...

Hi all..

just wanna write a short post so that this blog will keep update..huhuu..Last saturday night,,i got wedding at KL Tower..Its been a long time i havent went to KL tower..if im not mistaken,,last time i been there around 8-9 years old..LOL..actually im quite tempting to go there since long time didnt been there..but,,on the way there,,really reminds me of my old memorable time..on the way there,,i and my family went pass by few places such as tupai2 restaurant,,lowyat plaza,,time square,,and KLCC...argh..i dont know why i keep remember of those old moment that i had went through..sometimes i feel that i hope i will not been to KL anymore but dont know why theres always something that bring me there..maybe it tries to teach me to face whatever sad moment that i had experience and let bygone be bygone..even i myself always said that,,but dunno why theres always tiny hopes that is hiding inside my heart..

anyway,,here a bit pic that i can share with u all..bye!

Monday 11 June 2012

Lyrics to be shared...

Kegelisahan didalam kedinginan
Meniti sepi keseorangan
Sebuah kematian yang tiada bernisan
Sendu mengiringi perpisahan

Ruang nan luas diri bergerak bebas
Namun keupayaanku terbatas
Segala mimpi menjadi asing
Perit membakar diri

Sebuah cinta dan harapan
Menjadi mimpi berterbangan
Tersekat nafasku kabur pandangan mataku
Amat tersiksa diriku
Kerana kehilanganmu

Oh mengapakah terus mengharap menanti
Walau cukup kusedari
Kau tak kan kembali

Pemergianmu mengisi kekosongan
Biarpun dikau masih kuperlukan
Kita dikatakan pasangan bahagia
Kini terasing luka

Terasing - Sudirman

Sunday 10 June 2012

ring can make woman's heart melt?

Hi guys..

today i went to 1st wanna go there to watch movie..either promethus or snow white with my family..but then,,around 12pm,,try to book tix through GSC website..but when tried to pay,,the payment process stuck with the loading page stay there like,,we decide to go there ad hoc and see whether there's still tix available..unfortunately,,only left front row seat..*sad

after that,,we went around the alamanda for a while..then,,suddenly,,dont know how,,our way is divert into habib jewels shop..i was like wataheck?lol...doing some window shopping only okay..looking at the price,,some of it quite nice..not so expensive,,and not so cheap..

Friday 8 June 2012


Hi guys..

Today i take annual leave...why? coz most of the worker in my office take annual leave due to school holiday,,,so,,i also want a few days!!haha..not few days..only today and this monday..

Since im quite free today,,,so,,i take this opportunity to go to bangi..what so special with bangi?got UKM!!huhuu...i went there just now to take my scroll..i graduate last year but until yesterday still unable to hold my scroll with my bare hand..actually,,after graduated, i tried to take my degree scroll..but then,,the officer said that i still owed library rm7 ++..oh wai..then,,i decided to go next time coz that day dont have much time to pay at the library..

day after day,,still unable to have my scroll coz sometimes,,when i went there,,i didnt bring my shoes,,sometimes didnt have money to pay debt (LOL),,,sometimes,,i manage to pay my debt only (didnt know that only library open on saturday)..haha..

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Oh My English!!

Hello guys..

Im sure u guys had seen ads in the television about 'oh my english'..Its funny isnt it? I think same goes to me coz I also feel weird when i read  what i had wrote..LOL..

U guys can say whatever about my english coz i admit that im not really good with english..even my pronounciation also quite worst.. :P

Actually i feel much more better writing in Malay,,but I dont want my writing skills dissappeared or better say that im trying to improve my english a bit..Im sorry if u all find out that my post have lot of grammatical coz i dont care to check each of the sentences wether its ok or not..if i dont have time to update my blog,,why would i have time to check my grammar? LOL

Anyway,,all the best to u guys..Pray for me to get married soon... ( not related with topic at all :D )


Sunday 27 May 2012

dengue fever..

hi all!!

its been a long time since last pretty busy and have a lot of thing to do and think..previously im suffered from dengue fever for the 1st time..before this i thought dengue fever is just a normal fever..but my perception totally wrong..its not that serious..but it makes me appreciate how wonderful and be more thankful to Allah for give me the opportunity in having a good health..

On day 1,,,i was working and started to feel the fever..went to clinic during office hour,,and the female doctor just give me some medicine such as paracetamol, strepsils, and others..then,,on day 2,,i tried to go to work..coz im afraid that if my fever already cured,,i cant have an MC anymore..but then,,i was wrong..i feel so cold and i went to the clinic again for 2nd time and make some blood test...the result is my platelet is 190, my white blood cell is under 4.0 if im not,,the doctor said i just having a normal fever..on 3rd day,,i think i still have the fever..sometime feels the cold but sometimes i feel normal..decide not to go to work,,after having breakfast,,went to clinic nearby my house..and guess what,,the doctor said that im normal and my body temperature are normal!what shivering,,and feel hot all over my body up to my ear and head!but then,,luckily the doc gave me another MC on that day coz i said i still cant work..

Saturday 21 April 2012


Hi all..long time havent update anything in this blog since last post..

Actually,,lots of thing i want to share,,but sometime quite lazy to write and sometimes dont so much time to write anything..Anyway,,today,,after i sent my father to the office,,i went for a site view to take a look on land for sale at bangi..the price quite low..but,,so sad that all of the land had been fully booked or sold out..if im not mistaken,,last 2 days ago,,i call the agent,,there's still 3 piece of land left..she mentioned that the land is selling fast like hot cakes..i thought its just her strategy to influence me to buy land there..but,,when i just want to take a look on its location,,,it was already too late..

Nevermind..maybe its not my luck (rezeki) to buy land there..maybe next time..Anyway,,after that,,i went directly to bandar baru bangi to do something..then,,i saw one red preve with a 'drive it to belive it' tagline on really urge me to give it a try..went to the showroom beside a petronas station to take a review on it.. here are some photos that i manage to snap..

Sunday 15 April 2012

songs to be shared


People always said that we should give love to persons who really loves us..

They deserves more than persons who dont..

But I just cant as I dont have the feeling towards them..

Same goes back to me,,

I dont know why I keep fall in love with person who are not willing to give me love

every seconds thinking about it,,it feels really hurt..

oh damn..i think i dont have the strength in loving someone anymore..

Monday 2 April 2012

missing someone..

just saw this lovely words from my friend really gives a heal for a missing heart..yup..i really mean it..


" Ya Allah Aku rindukannya keranaMu Ya Allah , Jauhkanlah daku dari perkara yang membuatkan aku lupa kepadaMu . Aku semakin mengerti, ‘JARAK’ ini bukan untuk menghukumku..tetapi ‘JARAK’ ini untuk MENJAGA aku dan dia..

✿~ Dengan ‘JARAK’ ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk BERUBAH menjadi yang lebih baik..
✿~ Dengan JARAK ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk MEMPERBAIKI cinta kepada Ilahi..
✿~ Dengan jarak ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk MENCINTAI Pencipta kami lebih dari segalanya..
✿~ Dengan JARAK ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk MENDALAMI Islam hingga ke akar umbi..
✿~ Dan Dengan JARAK ini jua aku dan dia yakin andai tiba saatnya nanti, aku dan dia akan LEBIH BERSEDIA untuk melayari semua ini dengan jalan yang diredhai..

p/s : Terima kasih ya Allah kerana memberi PELUANG kepadaku melalui jalanMu ini..terima kasih kerana memberikan JARAK itu kepada aku dan dia..♥♥

thank you Sakinah for those words that become as a reminder for me..thank you very much!!

Sunday 1 April 2012

is my time almost over?

Hi your day today? sure its been a lot of fun for u guys..

I dont know if i can share this or not..but since i dont have any interesting story to be share,,lemme just wrote what i feel right now..huhu

Actually,,,this late 3 months (i think so),,lots of thing been happening to me..but what took my interest is that lately,,i manage to meet back several people that have an experience with me long time ago..the 1st incident is that i manage to reconnect back with my old best friend named yap which really have a good experience with him during my school days..yap was my best friend during im 7th years old..what i always remember about him is his handwriting..very particular and have a beautiful handwriting..and definitely cannot compare with my handwriting as my handwriting is so worst which cannot compared to most of my schoolmate either...LOL

Wednesday 28 March 2012


i dont know why,,but i think u r the 1st one after several years that manage to make me feel like this...

sometimes i feel that theres a huge gap between us..but sometimes i feel like we are only a few inch away..

i know that u also can feel the same as i feel..i know that u also need to wait the same as i have to..

but i dont think i can take it too second feels like a week feels like a month..every second i think of u,,,it took my heart confuse that we're meant to be together or not..but theres several sign given that makes me feel like we're meant to be together..

oh God..

please let her know what i feel right now..
please let me know whether we're meant to be together or not..
please show me the right path for me and both of us..


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Site View - Fund for Flood Victims

Hi guys..
Sorry for being silent this few weeks as im quite busy with the flood, some birthday party event, and also quite a lot of work need to be done.. Anyway, for this short post, I would like to share some vid that I had recorded during the fund given event where Najib had came to Hulu Langat to give some fund/donation.. However,,I only manage to went for a site view after Najib had went to Sepang to watch F1. Im not purposely went there after Najib went back from the event, its just coz I had to attend some birthday party at KL..So, right after its all over, went back to my house, then decide to went there for a while.

As you all can see in the vid below, theres a lot of pipu went there to get some donation..The donation given are as in the list where most of the residents in Hulu Langat were listed. My place also listed there. However, I dont need to go que up because got someone that I know was on duty there. hehe..

Anyway, this is the vid that I manage to record.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Flood in Hulu Langat - Day 3

Continued from Flood in Hulu Langat - Day 2

Okay guys..its day 3 right,,i manage to snap quite a lot of pic coz after i send my father to his office,,,i need to go through traffic jammed from Bt. 9 until Taman Perkasa!! and guess what,,the massive jammed is due to the driver driving so slow to enjoy the view!! but i cant blame them anyway as they themselves quite concern with the residents that affected by the flood. Some of them also are siblings, and other people to see by their own eyes how worst the condition are..

massive jammed both direction

Flood in Hulu Langat - Day 2

Continued from Flood in Hulu Langat - Day 1

In day 2, a day after flood hit my place, lots of people are still tidying their house. I noticed, lots of their furniture cant be use anymore. Nothing much i can share on day 2 as its Friday and im working..Its just after went back from work,,I went to police station to take a police report for my absent yesterday (Thursday).

Come take a look how day 2 looks like in Hulu Langat..

Furniture were placed outside to dry in the sun

Saturday 10 March 2012

Flood in Hulu Langat - Day 1

Hi guys..

How's your day?My day is just as usual..not so interesting..However,,for this week,,its quite busy for me as several thing happened unexpectedly..But, i dont mind..just face it calmly and accept any thing that were given to me by Him.

Anyway, refering to the title, my house, at Hulu Langat was hitted by flooded! Actually, flood is common in Hulu Langat but my house haven't been affected for quite a long time already..However, this time its different..flood hit several places here and my house was affected too! When my house is affected, it means that place that is located lower than my house were much more worst than mine..If im not mistaken, the flood reach to 7 feet tall.

On the day flood arise, I was just playing computer surfing internet..It was around 2300 pm. Lots of places had been affected at this time but the flood did not reach my house yet. Luckily there's some guys knocking my house and told that flood had arise..Guess what,,around 5 minutes only the water manage to get through my house!

Thank God not much of our belongings were damaged..Compared to other people,,my damage is still considered as OK..

So,,this is the only pic that i manage to take coz my phone is out of batter that night..when try to charge,,our electricity were tripped due to the flood..

view at the back of my house

Friday 17 February 2012

Mah storeh update...


Long time no see!!lol

Quite a few weeks didnt update my blog..Actually, tomorrow ill be heading to Kelantan once again coz need to send my younger brother to his college. This few weeks, i was quite busy as my employer was trying to bid for a big contract. Even though my position there are only like a peas,,but,,we were helping each other to make sure that we can compete with our competitors that their level are far more higher than my employer.

However, early of this week, we were informed that my employer had won the bid and definitely,,lots of task or job are waiting for us...Besides,,my manager said that we might need to work on shift when we start the project..aiyarkk...

OK. Thats all i can share about my job as actually, i dont like to share story of my workplace..

Perhaps, thats all for now and if i have a time,,ill write again..till then..


Monday 6 February 2012

Site view - Strong Wind Hit Lembah Pantai


Few days ago i went to Lembah Pantai or Pantai Dalam where the MP are Nurul Izzah..Actually the strong wind had been hit the PPRT months ago i think.. They said that it was a worst situation since they been relocated from PKNS flat at Kg. Kerinchi. Because i been there for a while,, so,, i snap some pic to show the site view..

Some of the fence that covers the sewage treatment plant been hit by wind

General Election Campaign has start?

Hi all!

This is some pic that i snap at my place. BN and PAS already hung their flag besides the road..Is this mean that the General Election is near the corner? Definitely it is..but just dont know when only..

Pas and BN flags that were hung in Hulu Langat

Saturday 4 February 2012

Maulidur Rasul..

Hi all!!

Today i went for some examination..but dont want tell much as i dont expect anything from that exam...anyway,,since tomorrow is maulidur rasul,,,i want to share about the last word from Rasulullah..hope it can touch our heart and we can improve ourselves towards a better person..

Thursday 2 February 2012

Chinese New Year..

Hi all!

Thank you for anyone who give comment in the chatbox at the right of the blog..(even though someone is using my nick.. -.-" )

Anyway,,yesterday,,after i and my colleague had finish our job,,my manager call us to go to her office..i dont know why..but,,guess what?

my manager gave me some ang pau!!LOL...

she's very kind to us since im practical until i got my job!Even though she's a lil bit fierce,,but she take a good care of her worker quite well...but dont know if im the only one who think like that... :P

thats all for now..bye!!

Saturday 28 January 2012

toyota avanza..

hi guys..

sorry for being silent this few days as im quite busy with several things..anyway,,for this short post,,i would like to share information on my father's avanza odometer..

odometer reading

Wednesday 25 January 2012

unspeakable picture...

im impress with the plate nu. :D

Journey to Kelantan part 4 - the end

continued from Journey to Kelantan part 3

Ok..enough with the My mom's chicken rice shop poor service,,i want to continue on my journey to kelantan..Perhaps,,this will be the last part for my Kelantan's journey..

On this post,,i dont want to say much..but wanna share pic that i snap during i went for a walk there..

Laila Rawas Textile..i think the building design quite the same as some building in Malacca..

The road quite big..maybe because there's bus station..The advertisement shows yuna and other wimmenz with hijab..

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Dissapointed with My Mom's Chicken Rice - Linda onn


Just wanna share that yesterday i went to Giant new branch that headed to cheras..

it was my first time to go there..the food is nice and delicious..

but,,im quite dissapointed with the service provided..

at first, i ordered family meal B where the price is RM115.90

Journey to Kelantan part 3

continue from the previous post Journey to Kelantan part 2 continue with part 3..

After got our room at Grand Riverview,,its time to have a lunch somewhere here in Kota Bahru..Luckily the hotel is located at town..It makes us have variety of restaurant to choose..Then,,my younger brother recommend us to eat at Wau, ï»­ Restaurant..Here's the pic..

Wau restaurant, Kota Bahru

Monday 23 January 2012

Journey to Kelantan part 2 - Grand Riverview Hotel

continued from Journey to Kelantan part 1

after we cancel our intention to stay in the crown garden,,we start looking for a good hotel in Kelantan while viewing the

After a while in the town,,we saw Grand Riverview Hotel. So,,let see what they have.. :P

Reach at Grand Riverview

Sunday 22 January 2012

Journey to Kelantan part 1 - Crown Garden


long time didnt update blog.. :P

anyway, last week i went to kelantan for a vacation. So,, i want to share how's my journey there. I went there with my family using our country's national mpv. hehe.. because it take around 7-8 hours to reach kota bharu, we start our journey from 12am. After take several break during the journey, we reach there around 7-8am in the morning. Once we reached there, we go to USM kubang kerian to take my younger brother because he already finish 1st semester there and it is the semester break. This is some of the pic that i manage to snap while finding our way to the USM.

Esso fuel station

Thursday 12 January 2012

Sorry for everything...

This nite is a lil bit different from other nite..

Babe..U might not read this..But i just wanna say sorry for all that happen to sorry..i might have feeling for u a lil bit...but i just feel that we're not the same type...u and i have a very huge gap..between u and me,,have a lot difference..and last but not least, i just feel that we are not meant to be together...

only time will determine what will be our destiny...


Saturday 7 January 2012

901..Tomorrow is the day


Currently, most of the politics spectators are headed to the 901 issue. What is this 901 thing? Its the time where Anwar Ibrahim case will be decide wether he is guilty or not. I dont want to tell what are my opinion in this case coz it will be a long story. What i want to said is, for those who will go to the 901 demonstration tomorrow, please behave yourself while join and attend it. 

unspeakable picture..

Picture taken at the back of my house... (3 pic inside)

Tuesday 3 January 2012

PPRT house...facilities need to be improve

Hi all!!

How's ur day today? On this post i want to share about PPRT that are located at most of the place near KL/Klang Valley.

This PPRT actually are meant for those family with low income to help them live in KL or cities with a low rent or house cost. Besides that, the PPRT also are build for those who live in squatter (setinggan) at KL or cities to have a proper place to live. It is a good way to help them survive in KL (mostly) where the living cost currently are high.

However, in Pantai Dalam (Bangsar South), the PPRT is also used as a temporary places for people who live in some of the PKNS house (Kg. Kerinchi) to increase their living style or so call, redevelopment of the places. The resident there will be given a new house after the developer finish their project to build another condominium or apartment at the places. (still under negotiation with the rest of the resident that dont want to move out from the places)

Monday 2 January 2012

non halal..where is our sensitivity?

Hi!! (i think my intro is the same for every post..LOL)

How's ur day in the public holiday? Hope that everything goes fine.. I,,normally will go out with mah family oni during the weekend or holiday..

For today,,i went to tesco extra at taman midah to buy my sister's school uniform...while buying,,i saw one thing that i had been monitored since im working at jusco after my SPM. It is the non-halal alcoholic drink (dont know if there are any halal alcoholic drink) that being put near or around halal food/drink..this are some pic that i manage to snap today..

carlsberg drink being put publicly

Sunday 1 January 2012

unspeakable picture..

starting from now,,i want to share some an 'unspeakable picture' which show my experience..

happy new year?


just wanna say happy new year for those who celebrate it..i have nothing much to say as i dont even care about this new year..LOL

even today,,i need to go to work coz my friend need my help to do some urgent,,spend ma time at office loh..

anyway,,this are one pic that i manage to snap last night..

enjoying the fireworks view behind my house

happy new year!!