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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Site View - Fund for Flood Victims

Hi guys..
Sorry for being silent this few weeks as im quite busy with the flood, some birthday party event, and also quite a lot of work need to be done.. Anyway, for this short post, I would like to share some vid that I had recorded during the fund given event where Najib had came to Hulu Langat to give some fund/donation.. However,,I only manage to went for a site view after Najib had went to Sepang to watch F1. Im not purposely went there after Najib went back from the event, its just coz I had to attend some birthday party at KL..So, right after its all over, went back to my house, then decide to went there for a while.

As you all can see in the vid below, theres a lot of pipu went there to get some donation..The donation given are as in the list where most of the residents in Hulu Langat were listed. My place also listed there. However, I dont need to go que up because got someone that I know was on duty there. hehe..

Anyway, this is the vid that I manage to record.

Do you guys know why theres lot of people there?because gov gave the residents RM1k and several things to help and reduce the burden of the victims..quite lot isnt it?But wait...I heard that Khalid Ibrahim which represent PKR, will also give RM1k..What more interesting, PAS will give donation separately from! Just wait and see if this rumors true or not... :D

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