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Saturday 10 March 2012

Flood in Hulu Langat - Day 1

Hi guys..

How's your day?My day is just as usual..not so interesting..However,,for this week,,its quite busy for me as several thing happened unexpectedly..But, i dont mind..just face it calmly and accept any thing that were given to me by Him.

Anyway, refering to the title, my house, at Hulu Langat was hitted by flooded! Actually, flood is common in Hulu Langat but my house haven't been affected for quite a long time already..However, this time its different..flood hit several places here and my house was affected too! When my house is affected, it means that place that is located lower than my house were much more worst than mine..If im not mistaken, the flood reach to 7 feet tall.

On the day flood arise, I was just playing computer surfing internet..It was around 2300 pm. Lots of places had been affected at this time but the flood did not reach my house yet. Luckily there's some guys knocking my house and told that flood had arise..Guess what,,around 5 minutes only the water manage to get through my house!

Thank God not much of our belongings were damaged..Compared to other people,,my damage is still considered as OK..

So,,this is the only pic that i manage to take coz my phone is out of batter that night..when try to charge,,our electricity were tripped due to the flood..

view at the back of my house

at my living hall..during night..not electric..the water level not so serious as i close my door..

can u see the level different between inside house and outside?

lots of thing were float..even shoes were floating inside my house..cant do anything..will tidy those garbage or whatsoever the next day..

the water reach my aircond fan!!oh wai..

this is the condition on the morning when the water already dried a bit..but the mud is still there..

I manage to record some vid..but my internet is slow..if i manage to upload it on youtube,,ill share it here..

Thats it for this post...will continue on the next post..


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