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Wednesday 6 June 2012

Oh My English!!

Hello guys..

Im sure u guys had seen ads in the television about 'oh my english'..Its funny isnt it? I think same goes to me coz I also feel weird when i read  what i had wrote..LOL..

U guys can say whatever about my english coz i admit that im not really good with english..even my pronounciation also quite worst.. :P

Actually i feel much more better writing in Malay,,but I dont want my writing skills dissappeared or better say that im trying to improve my english a bit..Im sorry if u all find out that my post have lot of grammatical coz i dont care to check each of the sentences wether its ok or not..if i dont have time to update my blog,,why would i have time to check my grammar? LOL

Anyway,,all the best to u guys..Pray for me to get married soon... ( not related with topic at all :D )



  1. Dah ade calon ke? Tak story2 pun

  2. blom lg la..tengah riki2 lagi..ade jodoh ade la..hehe
