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Tuesday 30 August 2011

an asset that should not be wasted..

hi all!!

actually i want to share my expression on this matter long time ago..refer to the title,,what asset did i mean actually?

before this,,im studying at a malay..and i thanks government for giving the malay lots of opportunity and the 'speaciality' living in not denying that i might possibe to enter the matriculation due to the quota given to most of malay..before i continue,,i want to say sorry and im not trying to be racist here..

ok..lets continue..

after i finish my studies in matriculation,,i became a facilitator for those new batch that enter the matriculation..i had been giving the opportunity to manage all  my group (freshie) of it is their parents photocopied identification card (IC)..when i make a review on my freshie group details,,whats make me shock is that there are some of of the student parents are PR?what are PR?PR are permanent residents..and guess what..not only his/her dad or mom are PR..but BOTH of his/her parents are PR!! but i cant say more as i dont know every detail about the student that make him can enter the matriculation..but this makes me remember of my neighbour where both of his parents are PR,,but manage to enter MRSM!!i was like what...??

on the same year also,,my father have an indian friend..and what make me impress is that his son are got 12 A's!!!and guess what??he is not been accept to enter matriculation college..i'd ask my father to tell his friend to send his son to futher study in STPM as it can have a bright future also..but,,he already decide to send his son to private institution with huge fee..and im quite sympathy for him coz he's not so rich and its quite burden to pay quite a high fee for his son..

so,,based on my experience,,i think that there are lots of valuable asset that being WASTE by government..i love malaysia..and i think that gov shouldn't let this thing happen..for me,,instead of giving the education opportunity to the most of the indonesian (NOT MALAYSIAN),,it would be better to give the opportunity to those people that already lived in malaysia for a long time!!!

as im a malay,,im still standing still behind the speciality given to malay as stated in the constitution that already,,im not like some people that always complain here and there without suggest any way out to some of the matters mentioned..

my suggestion is that,,gov might perhaps can build one/several institution which have the same function as matriculation systems,,,which allow all malaysian citizens to enter it depend on their education performance only..or perhaps can provide 50-50% opportunity for bumi's and non-bumi's to enter it wihout neglecting the matriculation function to enter can be implement as a scholarship only for those who are excellent in their studies and can be use to contribute to various gov sector and increase the national,,maybe in this way,,not all of the valuable asset are being waste due to the 10-15% quota to enter the matriculation..

p/s: instead of giving indon the speciality,,i would rather choose chinese or indian to have it..they are malaysian citizen..not indon..

*why indonesian people that born in malaysia can have the blue IC and giving the Bumi's previleges?for me,,this is unfair for those indian and chinese that born in malaysia,,but cant have those previleges..hope gov can encounter this one-sided win problem..

*if this post arent suitable,,please tell me..i can delete it without prior notice..

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