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Tuesday 30 August 2011

selamat hari raya aidilfitri!!


its 2nd syawal,,its not too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri for all muslim!!!maaf zahir dan batin!!

if someone making an open house,,dont shy2 invite me to attend ur open

if want come to my house also not a prob..just tell me.. :P

anyway,,have a good day!

an asset that should not be wasted..

hi all!!

actually i want to share my expression on this matter long time ago..refer to the title,,what asset did i mean actually?

before this,,im studying at a malay..and i thanks government for giving the malay lots of opportunity and the 'speaciality' living in not denying that i might possibe to enter the matriculation due to the quota given to most of malay..before i continue,,i want to say sorry and im not trying to be racist here..

ok..lets continue..

Tuesday 16 August 2011

every road provided = more free way..

hi all!!

thanks for unintentional read/visit my blog!lol for this entry,,i want to comment a bit about our road/tolling systems in the country.. actually, im thinking of 'old school' era where we as a citizen dont need to pay any money for the road provided by the government..during that time,,no toll were build and,,no money were being ask for us to use that not saying that during those days there were totally no toll..but,,the toll that were build those days are not like the toll that is build this days..

ok..let simple up this matter..during the old days,,we can have the alternatives which is,,'jalan highway' and 'jalan lama'..for someone who dont want to pay more,,,can use the 'jalan lama' and someone that want a pleasant ride,,can use the highway..whats the difference during nowadays?the difference is,,currently,,we dont have lots of  alternatives and being 'force' to use the highway that need to be pay,,,,,with the rising of the toll rate every year!!nowadays,,can we go from kajang,,to KL without paying any money?can someone tell me what are the alternatives road or jalan lama that dont need to pay?

Sunday 7 August 2011

is most of the politician are MAN U fans?

i notice that our politician are MU fans..
what makes it similar? is it because of they have the same attitude?'s the drillz..

as u all know,, Najib is a Man U supporter...
(being a MU supporter since,,,errr....)

i made a twitter too!

hi all..

I had made a twitter account!! actually im not so familiar with the twitter function.. but it helps me a lot to follow the current issue especially the politics story in our country.. bersih 2.0 actually.. lol

twitter is just like other social networking but I think most of the politicians use it as an alternative media. for me as a citizen, i might find a 2 sides of a story and compare which is this, and which is that..

anyway, whoever that have the twitter account, can follow me @k3nji3189 and i will follow u guys back as im just a new user..

thank you!!

p/s: i dont like to follow obe as he is spamming his twitter a lot!!LOL

whats with the blog description?

As u all can see at the top of the blog, i use the phrase "not all thing we can share"...

What actually the meaning of the phrase?

Actually, i had been reading lots of my friends blog before. Some of it is quite interesting and some are not. positively, all my friend's blog are interesting... lol..
not to mention the /k/tards blog as their blog are include at other level.

Saturday 6 August 2011

please vote!!

i made a poll on the sidebbar..

for all,,please vote!!

i no like vroom2 one..its just a survey...

a new blogger is born..


actually im not used with this blogging world..

so,,as a new entry,,i would like to welcome all the visitors that visit my blog (kalau ade la..)

the blog title are in english,,but i guess,,most of my blog post will be in malay so it would be easier for me to share all the thing bout me or other thing in the future..

i dont have any picture to share except this :



comments and suggestion are highly appreciated... :)