I was quite busy with people coming to my parents house to celebrate Hari Raya. For almost two weeks, I and my family dont even have time to visit our relatives house because we need to entertain our guest..actually we do..but we only went to our relatives house for two days onlys (if im not mistaken)..huhu..However,, this week, for sure we need to start going to our relatives house because its our turn to eat a lot! huhu.. Quite sad because for this Hari Raya, I spend less time with my friend..i miss them a lot..! (ceh..budget gile..haha)
Actually I dont have any topic/subject to share..But since in the beginning of the post,,i comment about visitor,,maybe I can share a bit of my all time blog visitor..haha..
Until to date, I only manage to reach about 6.5k visitor since the beginning of this blog..as u all can see in image below, the highest number of view was only 930..sad man..huhu..and,,the post with the highest number is???