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Saturday 21 April 2012


Hi all..long time havent update anything in this blog since last post..

Actually,,lots of thing i want to share,,but sometime quite lazy to write and sometimes dont so much time to write anything..Anyway,,today,,after i sent my father to the office,,i went for a site view to take a look on land for sale at bangi..the price quite low..but,,so sad that all of the land had been fully booked or sold out..if im not mistaken,,last 2 days ago,,i call the agent,,there's still 3 piece of land left..she mentioned that the land is selling fast like hot cakes..i thought its just her strategy to influence me to buy land there..but,,when i just want to take a look on its location,,,it was already too late..

Nevermind..maybe its not my luck (rezeki) to buy land there..maybe next time..Anyway,,after that,,i went directly to bandar baru bangi to do something..then,,i saw one red preve with a 'drive it to belive it' tagline on really urge me to give it a try..went to the showroom beside a petronas station to take a review on it.. here are some photos that i manage to snap..

Sunday 15 April 2012

songs to be shared


People always said that we should give love to persons who really loves us..

They deserves more than persons who dont..

But I just cant as I dont have the feeling towards them..

Same goes back to me,,

I dont know why I keep fall in love with person who are not willing to give me love

every seconds thinking about it,,it feels really hurt..

oh damn..i think i dont have the strength in loving someone anymore..

Monday 2 April 2012

missing someone..

just saw this lovely words from my friend really gives a heal for a missing heart..yup..i really mean it..


" Ya Allah Aku rindukannya keranaMu Ya Allah , Jauhkanlah daku dari perkara yang membuatkan aku lupa kepadaMu . Aku semakin mengerti, ‘JARAK’ ini bukan untuk menghukumku..tetapi ‘JARAK’ ini untuk MENJAGA aku dan dia..

✿~ Dengan ‘JARAK’ ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk BERUBAH menjadi yang lebih baik..
✿~ Dengan JARAK ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk MEMPERBAIKI cinta kepada Ilahi..
✿~ Dengan jarak ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk MENCINTAI Pencipta kami lebih dari segalanya..
✿~ Dengan JARAK ini aku dan dia berjanji untuk MENDALAMI Islam hingga ke akar umbi..
✿~ Dan Dengan JARAK ini jua aku dan dia yakin andai tiba saatnya nanti, aku dan dia akan LEBIH BERSEDIA untuk melayari semua ini dengan jalan yang diredhai..

p/s : Terima kasih ya Allah kerana memberi PELUANG kepadaku melalui jalanMu ini..terima kasih kerana memberikan JARAK itu kepada aku dan dia..♥♥

thank you Sakinah for those words that become as a reminder for me..thank you very much!!

Sunday 1 April 2012

is my time almost over?

Hi your day today? sure its been a lot of fun for u guys..

I dont know if i can share this or not..but since i dont have any interesting story to be share,,lemme just wrote what i feel right now..huhu

Actually,,,this late 3 months (i think so),,lots of thing been happening to me..but what took my interest is that lately,,i manage to meet back several people that have an experience with me long time ago..the 1st incident is that i manage to reconnect back with my old best friend named yap which really have a good experience with him during my school days..yap was my best friend during im 7th years old..what i always remember about him is his handwriting..very particular and have a beautiful handwriting..and definitely cannot compare with my handwriting as my handwriting is so worst which cannot compared to most of my schoolmate either...LOL